
Friday, 14 August 2020

Keeping on top of my well-being during lockdown

Task Description:
we have been trying our best to keep on top of our well being by doing either Te Taha Whanau
Te Taha Tinana Te taha hinengaro or Te Taha Wairua. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Virtual Library

Task Description: this is my Virtual Library. In my class we had to make a Virtual Library and read a book from the Library. Then once we were done we would write a recount about it. 

Decimals Time

Walt: we are learning about telling the time and decimals.

 Task Description: we are learning how to understand the time and how to understand decimals. we have also bee learning about decimals place value with time.

Telling Time

Walt: we are learning to tell the time.
Task Description: we have been learning how to tell the time as well as solving how to subtracted and add decimals' also we got create our own questions for friends to answer.

Monday, 10 August 2020


Yr 7 and 8 leaders

What the Yr 7 leaders said
1. incourging others
2. being a good rolmodel 
3. steping out of there confort zone
4. help one another
5. seting a example
6. geting to know new people
7. participating 
8. doing things they don't usually do
9. Getting ready for some challenges ahead
10. working as a team

What the Yr 8 leaders said
1. Showing leadership
2. being leader
3. prepering for the challenges ahead
4. showing the way
5. showing people how to be a good rolmodel
6. incourgeing people to try new things
7. telling people to step out of there comfort zone
8. steping up
9. helping others
10. communicating with there team

Yr 8 camp KVCC

On wednesday 5th of August we when to Kauaeranga valley christan camp and we got t Do a lot of new things, but my favourite new experience is archery as that was the coolest one. We also got to do go karts and I got 42 seconds. We also got to ride some bmx bikes And I got the fastest time for bmx bikes with 28 seconds and I ran the course and also got 28 seconds which was cool. There were four groups : Kauri Kauaeranga Coromandel and Thames I was in Coromandel. For the concert we tied in first place which was also cool as that usually never happens. My 3 highlights are Archery Air rifles The trampoline Here are some cool photos of me doing a back flip

Monday, 3 August 2020

The million pound banknote

Task Description: We are writing about the 1 Million Pound banknote.